Set up your Brightspace integration

This guide provides all you need to know about configuring and testing your Brightspace LTI integration with Perlego.

Included: Ultimate
Add-on required: Essential, Enhanced
Read more about plans and add-ons.

Table of contents

  1. About the Brightspace integration
  2. Configure your Brightspace integration
    1. Set up Perlego on Brightspace
    2. Send Perlego your Client Id, LMS URL and default access link
    3. Add deployment and links
    4. Testing

About the Brightspace integration

The integration allows Brightspace admins and instructors to deep-link titles from Perlego to a module within a course.

When a student clicks on a Perlego link they are automatically directed to create their account and once registered they will be automatically logged in, creating a seamless experience for your students.

Configure your Brightspace integration

Before you start the configuration make sure:

  • Your organisation is on the Ultimate plan OR you have purchased the LMS integration as an add-on
  • You have System Admin access to your Brightspace instance.
  • You have a test course within Brightspace.
  • You have created an access link for new registrations to be sent to.

Set up Perlego on Brightspace

  1. Login to the Brightspace as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Admin Tools and select Manage ExtensibilityUntitled (30)

  3. Click the LTI Advantage tab, then the Register Tool button. Untitled (31)

  4. Choose Dynamic registration, click Register.
  5. In the form, configure the the following settings:
  6. Click Register

  7. Under the LTI Advantage, view All tools. Perlego should be listed.Untitled (33)

  8. Click on the Perlego tool. The Edit Perlego form will open. Untitled (34)

  9. Toggle the tool to be Enabled (it will display with a tick).
  10. Scroll down, under Extension ensure Deep Linking is selected. (Assignment and Grades, and Names and Role Provisioning Services are not required) Untitled (35)
  11. Under Brightspace Registration Details, copy the Client Id. Untitled (36)
  12. Click Save and Close.

Send Perlego your Client Id, LMS URL and default access link

Send us the ClientID you’ve generated and your Brightspace URL by completing our LMS set up form, so we can complete the registration.

You’ll also need to tell us which access link your LMS users should be directed to when signing up to Perlego. If you don’t have an access link yet, you’ll need to create one in Perlego. This requires a Perlego admin login.

Add deployment and links

Once we’ve confirmed your ClientID has been added to your account, you’re ready to add the deployment and Perlego link.

  1. Navigate to Admin Tools and select External Learning Tools. Untitled (37)

  2. Click on New Deployment. Untitled (38)

  3. The Deploy Tool page will open, ensure you have the following settings:

    1. Enabled: Yes

    2. Tool*: Perlego

    3. Extensions: Deep Linking
    4. Security settings: First name, Last name, Email
    5. Configuration Settings: Open as External Resource
  4. Click Create Deployment.
  5. The deployment will now be listed as an external learning tool. Next you need to create the deployment link.

    Click on the Perlego deployment. Untitled (39)

  6. The Edit page will open. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select View Links. Untitled (40)

  7. Click on New Link.Untitled (41)

  8. On the Create Link page, configure the following settings.

    Name: Perlego


    Type: Deep Linking Quicklink

  9. Click Save and Close.


  1. Go to a Course and open the Content page. Untitled (42)
  2. Within a module or sub-module, click on Existing Activities and select PerlegoUntitled (43)

  3. The Perlego book finder will open. Search for the book you want to link, select it and click Submit. Untitled (44)

  4. The book content will display in your module. Untitled (45)
  5. Click on the book, and you should be directed to your access link or you’ll be logged in if you already have an account. We also recommend testing this by logging in with a student account, and opening Perlego content from the course.